Schedule & Videos

“‘What We Have Seen and Heard’: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World”

A Conference in Celebration of the 50th Anniversaries of Gaudium et Spes, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes
June 22-24, 2015, at the Notre Dame Conference Center
Please click session titles to view video!
Monday, June 22

1st Keynote: Abp. Joseph Tobin: “Intensifying the Apostolic Activity of God’s People”

Tuesday, June 23

2nd Keynote: Zeni Fox: “Lay Ecclesial Ministry as One Flowering of Baptismal Witness”

Workshop Session I

I.1. Stephen Bevans: “From ‘Missons’ to ‘Mission’: Trinity, Globalization, and Baptismal Witness”

I.2. Ann Astell and Danielle Peters: “Spiritualities of Lay Witness in the World”

I.3. Oliver Williams: “Baptismal Witness in the World of Commerce”

I.4. Timothy Matovina: “Hispanic Lay Movements in the Postconciliar Church”

3rd Keynote: Maxwell Johnson: “Ecumenical Renewal of Baptismal Spirituality”

Workshop Session II

II.1. Michael Downey: “The Vocation of the Lay Theologian as Baptismal Witness”

II.2. Elizabeth Groppe: “The One Spirit of Christ and a Broad Ecclesial Culture of Witness”

II.3. Jack Jezreel: “A Baptismal Faith that Does Justice”

II.4. Timothy O’Malley: “Savoring the Mystery: The Formation of Undergraduates in Preaching”

Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Fr. Michael Connors, C.S.C.

Wednesday, June 24

4th Keynote: Edward Hahnenberg: “A Wider Witness: From ‘Lay Vocation’ to the Call of Missionary Discipleship”

Workshop Session III

III.1. Anna Carter Florence: “Preaching from and for Witness in the World”

III.2. Peter-John Pearson: “Religious Witness in the Struggle against Apartheid”

III.3. John Cavadini: “Fr. John A. O’Brien: American Apostle”

Workshop Session IV

IV.1. Wendy Wright: “The Domestic Church and Witness”

IV.2. Kristin Colberg: “Gaudium et Spes Reconsidered and Re-Projected”

IV.3. Donald Cozzens: “A Priesthood Worthy of Gaudium et Spes and Apostolicam Actuositatem

IV.4. Michael White and Tom Corcoran: “Rebuilding a Vital Parish Culture”

5th Keynote: J. Matthew Ashley: “The Legacy and Challenge of the Council in a World Church”

Mass, Basilica of the Sacred Heart: Fr. Robert Loughery, C.S.C., presiding, and Deacon Melvin Tardy, preaching