Theology Professor Receives Fellowship from National Endowment for the Humanities

Author: Josh Weinhold


Three faculty from the University of Notre Dame, including Theology professor ​Gabriel Said Reynolds, received fellowships this year from the National Endowment for the Humanities, continuing the University’s record success winning support for humanities research.

Reynolds will use his NEH fellowship to work on a book project called God of Vengeance and Mercy: On the Qur’an’s Theology in Relation to Jewish and Christian Tradition. It will focus on the way the Muslim holy text juxtaposes narratives of God’s destruction with declarations of God’s compassion.

Those parallels, Reynolds contends, indicate the Qur’an’s theology is in conversation with the theology of Jews and Christians.

“The NEH fellowship will allow me to pursue this study in great depth,” he said. “As I plan to travel to the Middle East and Europe, I look forward to incorporating insights from academic scholars and religious leaders who have reflected on the Qur’anic presentation of God.”