Life Lunch Series

Author: Deanna Menke

Be sure to join the Institute for Church Life for its lunchtime speaker series in Geddes Hall this semester.

Life Lunch

Thu Sep 8, 2016, 12:00PM - 1:00PM
300 Geddes Hall

Join theology professor Ann Astell for the first in our three-part series on life issues. Professor Astell will present "Haunting Texts: Abortion in Poetry," and explore how four prominent female poets have written about abortion. Lunch is provided. Please register here.

Life Lunch

Mon Oct 10, 2016, 12:00PM - 1:00PM
300 Geddes Hall

Join political science professor Phillip Munoz for the second in our three-part seminar series this fall. Professor Munoz will present on "Slavery and Abortion: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Questions of Human Dignity." Lunch is provided. Please register here.

Life Lunch

Tue Nov 15, 2016, 12:00PM - 1:00PM
300 Geddes Hall

Join Law School professor Paolo Carozza for the final seminar in our Life Lunch seminar this fall. Professor Carozza, who was recently appointed to the Pontifical Council on the Social Sciences, will present on "International Development, Maternal Mortality, and Abortion." He will explore maternal health and abortion from the perspective of international development. Lunch is provided. Please register here.