Liturgical Studies Colloquium: Marco Benini: "Bible, Life, and Worship. The Relationships of the German and American Liturgical Movement."


Location: E108 Corbett Hall

Marco Benini, Theological Faculty of Trier, "Bible, Life, and Worship. The Relationships of the German and American Liturgical Movement."

Abstract: The liturgical and the biblical movement led to Vatican II and played a significant role in its subsequential liturgical reform. The paper presents an ongoing research project which will lead to an international conference in Trier comparing both movement in the US and Germany (June 2024). There are many connections/influences of the German and the American Liturgical Movement which often go unnoticed due to country-specific research interests on individual protagonists. Leading questions are: What transformations did the liturgical movement undergo in its reception in the US and why? What are parallel developments and what specific characteristics? What roles did monastic centers as Maria Laach and Collegeville, individual personalities, immigration, translations, etc. play?