11th Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious

Location: Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana


Commemoration, Preservation, Celebration


Eleventh Triennial Conference on the History of Women Religious


Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana  |  June 23–26, 2019




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As the centennials of women’s suffrage in North America, Europe, and beyond generate renewed interest in women’s history, this conference will explore how the history of women religious has been commemorated, preserved, and celebrated. 


Ann M. Little, professor of history at Colorado State University, will deliver the keynote address at the conference. Little is author of The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright (Yale 2016).


See conference details including the schedule, registration, and accommodation information at cushwa.nd.edu/events/chwr2019.



Image: A group of sisters outside the Westminster Library opposite the Church House in Victoria, London, June 24, 1970 (photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)

Originally published at cushwa.nd.edu.