Three Centuries of Sacred Music in Cuba


Location: 306 O'Neill Hall

Escudero Dr. Miriam Escudero, Director of Gabinete de Patrimonio Musical Esteban Salas, Office of the Historian of the City of Havana.

One of Cuba’s leading musicologists, Escudero is director of the “Esteban Salas” Musical Heritage Cabinet of the Havana City Historian Office. She is also professor at Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo, where she coordinates graduate studies in musical heritage preservation, and at the University of Arts of Cuba (ISA), where she teaches graduate-level courses. Escudero’s research has earned her important national awards such as Premio Casa de las Americas, Premio de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba and, most recently, the 2013 Premio Academia Cubana de la Lengua.