Forming Identities of Grace: Models of a Self-for-Others by Michael Spezio


Location: Rm. 210-214, McKenna Hall

The Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing cordially invites you to attend a public lecture by Michael Spezio:

Forming Identities of Grace:
Models of a Self-for-Others

Mark Fox (IU School of Medicine)
William Mattison (Notre Dame)

Is the self fundamentally selfish? Contemporary theories of altruism presume an egoistic and individualistic notion of the self. Dr. Michael Spezio, Associate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience at Scripps College, will argue for new approaches to the science of the moral life by engaging human communities dedicated to love and compassion. Click here to learn more.

This lecture hosted by the Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing is made possible by support from the Henkels Lecture Fund, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame and the Templeton Religion Trust.