2015 Marten Program Conference: "What We Have Heard and Seen" Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World

Location: Notre Dame Conference Center

“‘What We Have Seen and Heard’: Fostering Baptismal Witness in the World”
A Conference in Celebration of the 50th Anniversaries of Gaudium et Spes, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes
June 22-24, 2015, at the Notre Dame Conference Center
Speakers will include Archbishop Joseph Tobin, Max Johnson, Zeni Fox, Ed Hahnenberg, Matt Ashley, John Cavadini, Ann Astell, Michael Downey, Wendy Wright, Tim Matovina, Paul Janowiak, Kristin Colberg, Don Cozzens, Steve Bevans, Elizabeth Groppe, Oliver Williams, Jack Jezreel Peter-John Pearson, and Anna Carter Florence.