Lecture: Can Christianity Touch the Imagination of Our Contemporaries?


Location: Geddes Hall

The Institute for Church Life will host Fr. Timothy Radcliffe’s lecture in Andrews Auditorium, located in the Lower Level of Geddes Hall.

All are welcome, and there is no charge for admission.

Father Radcliffe is the former world-wide Master of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), and currently a scholar-in-residence at the Dominican Studium, Blackfriars Hall at Oxford University. A distinguished international speaker and author of numerous spiritual and theological articles and books, Father Radcliffe’s most recent publication is Take the Plunge: Living Baptism and Confirmation. He was awarded the Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing in 2007, and is a Sarum Canon of Salisbury Cathedral.

Institute for Church Life
Phone: (574) 631-9195
Email: monahan.27@nd.edu
URL: http://icl.nd.edu/icl-events/timothy-radcliffe-op/

Originally published at al.nd.edu.