Nicholas Lombardo, OP

Nicholas Lombardo, OP

Associate Professor

Primary Field of Study: Systematic Theology


Ph.D., University of Cambridge

Research and Training Interests

Historical and systematic theology, especially topics related to language, scripture, and the Trinity

Selected Publications

“Privation, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Evil,” Theological Studies 84:2 (2023): 293-311.

“A Voice Like the Sound of Many Waters: Inspiration, Authorial Intention, and Theological Exegesis,” Nova et Vetera 19:3 (2021): 825-869.

“Where Does the Holy Spirit Proceed To?” International Journal of Systematic Theology 23:4 (2021): 473-501.

The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

The Logic of Desire: Aquinas on Emotion (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2011).


Nicholas Lombardo, OP, studied philosophy at Brown University and then theology at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC and the University of Cambridge. He has written on topics such as the philosophy and theology of emotion, Christ’s crucifixion, evolution and human origins, original sin, nature and grace, the inspiration of scripture, the metaphysics of evil, and the theology of the Trinity. Before coming to Notre Dame in 2024, he taught historical and systematic theology at The Catholic University of America for thirteen years. He is a Catholic priest and a member of the Dominican Order.



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(574) 631-7656