Brian Boyd

Brian  Boyd


Primary Field of Study: Moral Theology/Christian Ethics

Research Interests

Economics & Catholic Social Teaching, Business Ethics, Political Economy, Ethics of Science & Technology, Ethics & Spirituality


B.A., University of Notre Dame; B.A., University of Oxford; M.T.S., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame


A moral theologian working at the intersection of personal virtue, communal flourishing, social structures, and the Providential order of creation, Boyd seeks to describe the situations we face, judge what is lacking from the perspective of integral human development, and offer pathways towards action for justice. Beyond his dissertation topic of wage justice, his research agenda includes the nature of money, its abuse through usury, and the promise of cryptocurrency; critical realism, corporate belonging, and cooperative social enterprises; and technological ethics approached through 'amistics.'


A Just Wage: Equality, Proportionality, and Solidarity in the American Economy

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