Vincenz Heereman, LC

Vincenz Heereman, LC


BacPhil, LicPhil, STB, Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum; SSL, Pontifical Biblical Institute

Area of Study

Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity



Old Testament and Early Judaism


Fields of Interest:

Old Testament
Syriac exegesis
poetry, and theology
Rabbinic exegesis and theology


Teaching Competencies:

Old Testament
Syriac Christianity
Rabbinic literature
Hebrew (biblical and rabbinic)

Teaching Experience:

Instructor - Foundations in Theology (Scripture and Early Church)

Recent Publications:

Book chapter: “Sacrificial Atonement in Numbers 15:22-31: Theological Implications of an Unforgivable Sin,” in Remember Their Sin No More? Forgiveness and the Hebrew Bible, ed. David J. Shepherd and Richard S. Briggs (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2022), 22–38.



"Life as Warfare in Ephrem the Syrian's Hymnody and Homilies"

Directors: Gary A. Anderson & Jeffrey T. Wickes

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