International Conference on Human Dignity and Human Development​


Location: Hesburgh Center for International Studies

The Kellogg Institute for International Studies presents the second International Conference on Human Dignity and Development, October 22–24, 2015.

In development theory and practice there is broad consensus that attention to aggregate economic growth alone is insufficient to advance people’s well-being. Among the predominant capability, well-being, and happiness approaches and in human development more broadly, human dignity has emerged as a pervasive aim and animating factor for the practice of development.

Less clear is how an emphasis on human dignity relates concretely to the aims and methods of these paths to improving human flourishing. This 2nd Kellogg Institute conference on Human Dignity and Human Development investigates the idea of human dignity as a common connector among a variety of development approaches.

Through a dialogue between scholars and practitioners, participants will consider human dignity in light of development experience in order to identify points of synergy and make viable recommendations for theory and practice. The conference also aims to generate practical guidelines for implementing the emphasis on human dignity explicit in the post-2015 sustainable development agenda.

This conference is part of an ongoing research initiative on human dignity and human development led by Kellogg Director Paolo Carozza. The conference builds on the first Conference on Human Dignity and Human Development held in Rome in 2014.

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