Finding Beauty in the Other: Inaugural World Religions World Church Conference

Location: University of Notre Dame Conference Center

Finding Beauty in the Other
Inaugural World Religions World Church Conference

University of Notre Dame, Department of Theology
September 10-12, 2015
In his apostolic exhortation Evagelii Gaudium Pope Francis encourages Christians to foster “a  renewed esteem for beauty as a means of touching the human heart.” Convinced that beauty is indeed a means for touching the human heart, and recognizing the rich role of beauty in history of Christian theological thought, the World Religions World Church Area of the Department of Theology at Notre Dame will host a conference entitled “Finding the Beauty in the Other” from September 10-12, 2015. At this conference we will explore how beauty can be found in religions and cultures, and how the beauty of the Christian gospel should be communicated in different religious and cultural settings.
For more information and to register, click here.
Featured Speakers
John Allen, Boston Globe (keynote)
Peter Casarella, Notre Dame
Francis Clooney, Harvard University
Catherine Cornille, Boston College
Robert Gimello, Notre Dame
Emmanuel Katongole, Notre Dame
Paul Kollman, Notre Dame
Daniel Madigan, Georgetown University
Bradley Malkovsky, Notre Dame
Paulinus Odozor, Notre Dame
Gabriel Said Reynolds, Notre Dame
Mun’im Sirry, Notre Dame
Nayla Tabbara, Adyan Foundation, Beirut